
How to get from Cochabamba to Samaipata. The Full Guide.

When searching for a bus from Cochabama to Samaipata online, you will probably only find options with a transfer in Santa Cruz, but actually, there is also an option to take a direct bus. This post will give you all the information on how to get from Cochabamba to Samaipata by direct bus.

Why go to Samaipata

Samaipata is a small laid-back town (~5000 people) in the district of Santa Cruz. The altitude here is 1600m and the nice weather, beautiful scenery and relaxed vibes attract many travelers and expats from all over the world, without feeling overly touristy. It’s a classic place for a few times “una noche más”… Read more about Samaipata here.

Hostel El Jardin in Samaipata got a relaxed garden with lots of hammocks

How to Reserve the Direct Bus Ticket from Cochabamba to Samaipata

The only company providing direct service between Cochabamba and Samaipata is called Trans-Pojo. Pojo is a small village midway on the smaller route to Santa Cruz (all other bus companies heading from Cochabamba to Santa Cruz take the faster route through Yapacani) and it’s in Pojo where the bus will stop for snacks and toilet-break. The final destination of the bus is still Santa Cruz, so make sure to remind the driver to be dropped off in Samaipata.

The ticket can be reserved through WhatsApp: +591 71488957. It’s 50BOB per person and can be paid in cash when you arrive at the terminal.

The terminal is NOT the main bus terminal of Cochabamba but a small terminal here.

The drive takes 8-10 hours and there are multiple buses each day, but Sergio, the owner of our hostel in Cochabamba, strongly advised us against a night bus because the road is winding and not in the best condition, so we decided to take the bus at 8:30am.

This bus goes directly from Cochabamba to Samaipata
Lunch-stop in the village Pojo. The main attraction is the interesting gate that welcomes visitors.


So, to recap, here’s how to get from Cochabama to Samaipata by direct bus:

  • Reserve a seat the day before you want to go via WhatsApp (+591 71488957)
  • Arrive ~30min before departure to the Trans-Pojo terminal (not the main terminal) and pay for your ticket. A taxi from our hostel to there was 25 BOB.
  • Make sure to remind the driver right before Samaipata to drop you there.
  • Enjoy and chill in the Samaipata vibes

Additional Tips for Your Trip

What to Pack

  • Snacks and Water: While the bus makes a stop in Pojo, it’s a good idea to bring snacks and water for the journey.

  • Comfortable Clothing: Dress in layers since temperatures can fluctuate during the trip.

  • Entertainment: Download music, podcasts, or books to keep yourself entertained during the long ride.

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With this information in hand, you’re all set to make your journey from Cochabamba to Samaipata an enjoyable experience. Safe travels!

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